Big Sky changes hands, thank you to Martha and welcome to Joe!

Joseph Rank recently took over ownership of Big Sky Bread Company (website, facebook, instagram). Co-founder and owner Martha Elkus posted a statement that in part reads,

After 29 wonderful years at the bakery, the time has come for me to move on. In January 2023, after searching for the right person, I sold the bakery to a great guy named Joe Rank. He is a neighbor and long-time customer who is committed to our signature products and all the things that make Big Sky a very special place. At the same time, he has the energy, skills, and vision to make sure Big Sky stays strong for the next 30 years. Joe and his wife Jean live in Deering Center and have 3 sons who attend Portland schools. They have been customers of Big Sky for many years, their kids have played at our dough table, and they understand why Big Sky is so important to this community. I feel confident that the bakery is in good hands. Read Martha’s letter to the community

Martha Elkus has been a loyal supporter of Friends of Woodfords Corner, always embracing our ideas for a vibrant village hub. We wish Martha the best in her well earned retirement.

We also look forward to working with Joseph as he takes the helm of Big Sky. He has already signed up to be a regular vendor at the Woodfords Corner Farmers Market starting in June 2023. Welcome Joe!

t’s located in the former Engine 8 Firehouse in Woodfords Corner at 536 Deering Ave.

Teresa ValliereBusiness News